barang-barang besi bahasa Inggris
- barang-barang: goods; household utensils; stuff; wares; things;
- besi: channel iron; iron; ironware; metal; cast iron;
- barang dari besi: ironware; equipment; hardware
- bisnis barang besi: ironmongery
- pedagang barang besi: ironmonger
- pekerja barang besi: ironworker; smith
- barang: chattel; object; producen; stuff; thing; ware; goods (economics); goods; -ware; affair; things; question; doodad; whatchamacallit; thingumabob; good; luggage; any; item; thingmabob; gismo; doohickey
- barang-barang: goods; household utensils; stuff; wares; things; clothes; merchandise; items; products; equipment
- barang barang curian: hot goods
- barang barang perhiasan: jewelry; tomfoolery; jewellery; costume jewellery; gem; jewel
- barang penghasil barang: industrial goods
- barang penghasil barang lain: producer goods
- barang-barang bebas: independent goods
- barang-barang dagangan: goods; merchandise; ware
- barang-barang dapat bergerak: movables
- In 1875 a railway between Falun and Ludvika, via Borlänge was inaugurated and at the same time the construction of Domnarfvets Jernverk, the ironworks of neighbouring village Domnarvet, had started.
Pada tahun 1875 jalur KA antara Falun dan Ludvika, melalui Borlänge diresmikan dan di saat yang sama pembangunan Domnarfvets Jernverk, barang-barang besi dari desa yang di dekatnya Domnarvet, telah dimaulai.